Feb 28, 2018
We protect our money, banks, airports, flights, jewelry,
politicians, and celebrities - but not our kids.
Join Coach Blauer as he discusses your safety &
self-defense with four professional self-defense experts
Our very special guests...
Feb 25, 2018
With the exception of our children, we protect most everything
of value with armed and mechanical counter-measures. Why? What
can we do? What will we do?
Whether you're a first-responder or not, this call was very
eye-opening. On this SPECIAL PODCAST, I invite...
Feb 19, 2018
"We have learned more about the psychology and physiology of
combat in the last 50 years than in the previous 5,000 years put
together." - LT. COL. Dave Grossman
I've known Dave Grossman for decades. From long
before 9-11. A mutual passion for studying violence,
specifically, the link between physiology and...
Feb 11, 2018
I've been a fan of Kyle Reyes since I first saw his 'Snowflake' test.
After watching the 'snowflake' video and reading some of his other posts I knew he would be a really fun guest. The talk turned out to be more riveting than I imagined.
Many of my online supporters are hardworking 2a, military, law enforcement and...
Feb 4, 2018
I first heard of Julien Pineau from several of my affiliates in Europe who are training under him too. They said his approach to movement reminded them of some of the underpinnings of the SPEAR System - specifically the relationship of how fear afflicts mindset and therefore movement. [For decades I have encouraged...