Dec 22, 2017
Sparring. How hard? How often? That was the impetus of the call. But we go way deeper. Join me and mom, writer, fighter, Alice Vitiello, who makes her second appearance on KNOW FEAR. We go 10 rounds! Enjoy and please share with your coaches and other combat athletes.
Dec 8, 2017
“When Violence is the answer, it’s the only answer.”
- Tim Larkin.
I always loved that quote. It’s misunderstood by people who don’t understand how predators think. Join me for a provocative talk with the creator of Target Focus Training and my friend Tim Larkin.
Nov 11, 2017
Psychologist Jeff DeTeso returns to discuss how he uses the CYCLE OF BEHAVIOR method in his practice to help veterans dealing with PTSD as well as others suffering from fear-based issues. My contention is simple: when we look directly into the face of fear and acknowledge how it influences all decisions and...
Nov 9, 2017
The recent tragedy in Sutherland Springs, Texas horrified the world. I wanted to discuss it in hopes of inspiring people to take a deeper look active killer scenarios and their personal safety and defense. My guest for this episode has a unique set of skills. I invited my friend Baret Fawbush specifically because he is...
Oct 17, 2017
If you live on the planet earth and interact with other humans this podcast will have value. Join me and Simon Bell, author, professor & CEO of Project Fear & Formations of Terror.